Legal information

In our legal notice you will find the legally required information on the publishers of this website and the social media channels (X, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Mastodon, LinkedIn) of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. You will also find information on our copyright law and a disclaimer regarding third party content. In addition we inform you about the terms of use for this website.

Published by

The President (Speaker) of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony
Hannah-Arendt-Platz 1
30159 Hannover
 +49 (0)511 3030-0
 +49 (0)511 3030-2806

Responsibility as per the German State Media Treaty § 18 and legally responsible for content

Dr. Anne-Ly Do
 +49 (0)511 3030-2045

Editorial team

David-Leon Rosengart
 +49 (0)511 3030-2050
Link to contact form

Implementation (without Plenar-TV)

SimpleThings GmbH
Münsterstraße 1
53111 Bonn
 +49 (0)228 9449200
 +49 (0)228 94492020

Implementation Plenar-TV

seis akustik GmbH
Am Pütt 5c
30952 Ronnenberg
+49(0)40 361225860

Further online services of the Lower Saxony State Parliament

YouTube channel:

Facebook channel:

Instagram channel:

X channel:

Mastodon channel:

LinkedIn channel:ächsischer-landtag


Orange Cube Werbeagentur GmbH
Osterbekstraße 86a
22083 Hamburg
 +49 (0)40 7650059-0
 +49 (0)40 7650059-11

Information in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation

Data Protection Officer
Hannah-Arendt-Platz 1
30159 Hannover
 +49 (0)511-2183


The State Parliament of Lower Saxony accepts no liability for the information provided being up to date, correct, complete or of a certain quality. Liability claims against the State Parliament of Lower Saxony for material or non-material damage based on the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect and incomplete information are excluded, unless intentional or grossly negligent culpability on the part of the State Parliament is proven. This does not affect liability in the case of a breach of duty as per the German Civil Code (BGB) § 839. The State Parliament of Lower Saxony expressly reserves the right to change, amend or delete parts of the webpages or the entire website without further notice and to temporarily or permanently suspend publication.

The State Parliament of Lower Saxony is responsible for its own content on its webpages in accordance with the general law as per the German Teleservices Act (TMG) § 7 Para. 1. However, the website of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony also contains links to external websites, i.e. third-party content. When the links were added, there was expressly no illegal content identified on the linked pages. The State Parliament of Lower Saxony has no control over the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. It therefore hereby expressly dissociates itself from all content on these linked webpages, which has been changed since the links were added. This statement applies to all of the links and references inserted in our own website. According to the German Teleservices Act (TMG) §§ 8 and 9, it is not the State Parliament of Lower Saxony, but rather the respective provider or operator who is responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information. The provider of the site to which the link leads is solely liable, not the party merely providing the links to the respective site.

This disclaimer is to be considered part of the website from which redirection to this page occurred. Should parts or certain wording of this text not (fully) or no longer correspond to the applicable legal position, this shall not affect the other parts of the document in terms of their content and validity.


The text, images, charts, sound, video or animation files used on the website of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony are protected by copyright. They may be shared, posted and circulated on social networks and for private use. The President (Speaker) of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony owns the patent rights. Any other reproduction or use is only permitted following the prior consent of the State Parliament or the author.

For Plenar-TV, the  terms of use (landing page is in German) published there apply.

Any special terms of use stipulated for the use of published content take precedence. For example, the images in the Press Photo Archive in particular can be used in accordance with the special terms of use (landing page is in German).

As official works as per German copyright law (UrhG) § 5 Para. 2, printed matter and plenary minutes of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony are not copyrighted, i.e. these documents can be saved and published in other places, including on the internet. Alterations to them are, however, prohibited in accordance with German copyright law (UrhG) § 62 Paras. 1 to 3, and sources must be cited as per UrhG § 63 Paras. 1 and 2.


© 2023 State Parliament of Lower Saxony – All rights reserved