The President

President of the State Parliament: Hanna Naber
my name is Hanna Naber and I am the President of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony. I was elected on 8th November 2022 for the duration of the 19th legislative period. The State Parliament belongs to all people living in Lower Saxony – it is elected by the people for the people. Welcome – it is a pleasure to have you here!
This website as well as our social media feeds keep you in the loop about the work of the State Parliament, upcoming dates and events. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Mastodon or learn more about the role of the State Parliament in general.
I encourage you to get involved and participate in democracy in Lower Saxony – both in the online and the offline world. After all: If you live in Lower Saxony the State Parliament represents you and discusses issues on your behalf.
With best regards,
Hanna Naber
President of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony

Further Information
Learn more about Hanna Naber's background, find her contact details and further information: Hanna Naber, member of parliament and President (german web page)